25 Февраля 2025 | вторник | 09:37

68% of all the technological incidents fixed in the autumn and winter period of 2009/2010 fall on the equipment which is operated in IDGC of the North-West for over 25 years

Апреля 28, 2010

Holding IDGC will sum up the results of passing the autumn and winter maximum of loads and will define objectives for the following period.

Director General of IDGC of the North-West Alexander Kukhmai and Chief engineer of the company Georgy Turlov will take part in the  wash-up meeting of Holding IDGC where the results of passing the autumn and winter period of 2009/2010 will be summed up and the objectives for the coming period of the loads maximum will be defined.
By the assessment of the top management of Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Northwest, the company has on the whole made the objectives by provision of a reliable power supply of consumers in the period of passing the autumn and winter period of 2009/2010.
Practically in all the territories of IDGC of the North-West presence, the past autumn and winter period was characterized by low temperatures of surrounding air, plentiful snowfalls and strong breezes.
By the words of Department Chief of operation and repair of the executive body of IDGC of the North-West Oleg Temerov, the main disfunction reasons in the operation of the electrical equipment in the period of passing the maximum loads were  cutouts of OL due to overlaps of wires by fallen down trees, inconsistency of project decisions by the embodiment of OL to the actual climatic conditions, emergency state of grounds of 0,4-110 kilovolt OL at wood poles taken for the balance from consumers.
And the main reasons in disfunction of equipment are still the high wear of fixed assets (63, 7%) and the operation of equipment for a term which exceeds the norm (7, 4%), - says Oleg Temerov.   
Pursuant to the analyze made, 68% of all the fixed technological incidents fall on the equipment which is operated in branches of IDGC of the North-West for over 25 years. No case of equipment damage with the operation life from 5 to 10 years was fixed within the current autumn and winter period.  
By the words of Chief engineer of IDGC of the North-West Georgy Turlov, the developed program implementation of the equipment renewal of the electric grid complex in the volume of RUR 122, 5 billion for the period of 2011-2010 years would make it possible to decrease the physical depreciation of equipment to the acceptable level. But the sources of financing of such large-scale program are still not defined, that’s why the figures are just anticipated.
Among the main objectives which are faced before IDGC of the North-West by the preparation of the electric grid sector to the autumn and winter period of 2010/2011 years there is an unconditional fulfillment of production programs in the framework of the approved business plan. Besides that - the timely test operations of the equipment, holding of anti-damage trainings by the staff’s actions in the introduction course of the emergency limitation schedules of the consumption regime and also the packaging arrangement of emergency inventory pursuant to the approved norms.   

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