25 Февраля 2025 | вторник | 22:57

Moscow Government approved the city Gas Supply Plan developed by OJSC Gazprom promgaz

Мая 24, 2010

Within the frames of its scheduled Meeting the Moscow Government approved the city’s Gas Supply Plan Until the Year 2020 developed by OJSC Gazprom promgaz.

At the meeting Alexander Karasevich, the General director of OJSC Gazprom promgaz made the presentation.
In his speech Alexander Karasevich pointed out that the report includes feasibility study of the Moscow external gas supply scheme based on systematic approach and innovations primarily aimed to achieve rational use of natural gas resources.
Summarizing the Meeting’s results Mayor Yuri Luzhkov approved the city’s Gas Supply Plan Until the Year 2020. He underlined the fact that gas saving measures proposed for implementation in the Plan will permit Moscow to start fulfilment of the Russian Federation President Order on lowering of GDP energy intensity by 40% by the year 2020 as the first constituent entity in the country.
Moscow External Gas Supply Scheme is a part of Unified Gas Supply System providing reliable and sustainable natural gas supplies to the city’s distribution nets used by the state unitary enterprise Mosgaz. The system of external gas supply includes:
- Moscow region twin chain gas pipeline (MRCGP) and main gas transmission pipelines providing gas supply to MRCGP through several directions by three gas-compressor stations (Yakhroma, Serpukhov and Voskresensk)
- Seven check and distribution points (CDP) and gas pipelines from MRCGP to CDP;
- Moscow chain gas pipeline (MCGP) and gas pipelines from CDP to MCGP.
The seasonal and peak Moscow region gas consumption irregularity is compensated during the winter period by gas deliveries from four underground gas storages (Kasimovskoe, Uviazovskoe, Schelkovskoe, Kalijskoe).
Alongside with the previously approved Energy Strategy of Moscow City and Heating Supply Plan, as well as currently developing Electricity Supply Plan, Moscow External Gas Supply Plan is a part of the City General Energy Supply Plan, which is expected to be completed in 2010.
ОJCS Gazprom promgaz is the head research center of ОАО Gazprom in the field of feasibility evaluation of regional energy policy, gasification, gas distribution and use, development of small fields and coalmine methane resources.
In 2007 the Moscow city Department for fuel and energy concluded a contract with ОJSC Gazprom promgaz for development of the Energy strategy of the Moscow city, the Master plan of city energy supply with regard to the program of implementation of generating capacities and Integrated analytical information model of energy supply to city facilities for the period until the year 2025.

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