26 Февраля 2025 | среда | 00:29

The lowest level of occupational diseases as compared with other branches is in nuclear power branch of Russia

Мая 27, 2010

Deputy administrator of Federal medical and biological agency of Russia Vladimir Romanov, speaking with report in the framework of Forum dialogue «Nuclear power, society, safety», announced the recent results of monitoring of health status of nuclear power industry employees and citizens of «nuclear» towns.

Deputy administrator of Federal medical and biological agency of Russia Vladimir Romanov, speaking with report in the framework of Forum dialogue «Nuclear power, society, safety», announced the recent results of monitoring of health status of nuclear power industry employees and citizens of «nuclear» towns. According to FMBA, radiation situation in the NPPs location areas does not differ from that in the territories out of NPPs influence.
Content of anthropogenic radionuclide in environmental objects (drinking water, vegetation, mushrooms), locally agricultural products dos not differ from the values recorded before beginning of NPPs operation. «At present time ionizing radiation is not leading factor of adverse effect to health of radiation objects staff and the population resident in the radiation control areas, – emphasized Vladimir Romanov. – Contribution to irradiation of the population by nuclear power industry enterprises is negligibly small as compared with radiation effect from natural and medical sources». At that, such most important value as natural population growth is somewhat better in the towns of nuclear power plants location as compared with average values in Russia.
According to Romanov, values of chronic professional sickness at nuclear power industry enterprises are much lower than in other branches – for instance, metallurgy, chemical and coal mining industry.
Data was also disproved about influence of NPPs on level of leukemia sickness rate. «German agency on radiation protection jointly with leading specialists of other countries made conclusion on that influence of NPPs is not reason of leukemia cases, as it was stated by some representatives of ecological organizations, – said he. – the present influence of NPPs is 1000 times less the level which could cause risks of the population morbidity», — noted Vladimir Romanov.
The Forum dialog is held in Saint-Petersburg each year. The purpose of the Forum dialog is creation of conditions for discussion of international and domestic plans of nuclear power industry development, methods of resolving of the main problems and nuclear legacy, by experts atomists and representatives of civil. The Forum dialog was organized by Public council of State corporation «Rosatom» and Russian Green Cross. Besides the federal Forum dialog, regional similar format events are held on yearly basis. In 2008, regional Forum dialog in Irkutsk region took place, in 2009 – in Murmansk region.
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