13 Марта 2025 | четверг | 12:38

"Turboatom" upgrades power unit No 5 Starobeshevskoy TPP (Ukraine)

Июня 16, 2010

OJSC "Turboatom" and JSC "Donbasenergo" signed contract for upgrading of power unit No 5 Starobeshevskoy TPP. At Starobeshevskaya TPP implements project for upgrade of steam turbine К-200-130-1 capacity 200 MW manufactured by Leningrad Metal Pant (Russia).

In accordance with terms of the contract OJSC “Turboatom” will implement reconstruction of flow part low pressure cylinder and replace rotor, diaphragm, carriers, sealing of middle part of LPC casing. After upgrading of unit capacity of unit will increase on 8 MW, efficiency will increase up to 88 %. Given works also allow to reduce consumption of equivalent fuel on 26,1 g/kWh. Terms of equipment supply - April 2011.
Contract also provides design and supply of equipment, disassembling, construction and installation, commissioning and warranty tests.
This is second power unit of Starobeshevskaya TPP, that will be upgraded by "Turboatom". In 2004 enterprise finished reconstruction of power unit No. 4. This project was considered as the best at all-Ukraine competition  "Leader of fuel-energy complex" in nmination "environmental protective project".
General Director JSC "Donbasenergo" Sergey Ivanov noted perfect operation of equipment supplied by “Turboatom”. "Your technology perfectly established a reputation, and numbers of economy, reliability, operation specifications, reached by fourth power unit, fully correspond with modern requirements of power engineering specialists", - he told.
In planes of company upgrading of another eight power units of Starobeshevskoy HPP. Sergey Ivanov hoped that further “Turboatom” will be business partner of “Donbasenergo”.
According to General Director OJSC "Turboatom" Victor Subbotin this contract again confirmed competitiveness of plant on Ukraine and foreign power machines construction market. "This is a big work and serious load for “Turboatom”. It is very important that we come to upgrading of turbines market sector, which were not manufactured by us", – he stated.
Victor Subbotin also informed that same project of reconstruction was already implemented at power unit No. 7 Kurakhovsk TPP in Donetsk region this year supply of equipment for power unit No. 10 Lugansk TPP, situated in Lugansk region.
Starobeshevskaya TPP includes in number of power generating companies JSC “Donbasenergo". Designed capacity – 2300 MW. Construction of Power Plant was since 1958 till 1967 in three stages: 1 stage – general capacity 300 МMW (3 turbines with nominal capacity 100 MW); 2 stage – 6 units  200 МMW each, general power capacity 1200 MW; 3 stage – 4 units 200 MW each, general power capacity 800 MW.

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