27 Февраля 2025 | четверг | 08:04

Rostov NPP: meeting of the headquarters for the construction of power units Nos.3 and 4 was held

Июля 13, 2010

In Volgodonsk the ninth regular operational meeting of the headquarters for the construction of power units Nos. 3 and 4 of Rostov NPP was held.

As Deputy Director of NIAEP OJSC – Head of Volgodonsk representative office Vyacheslav Makhonin noted at the headquarters meeting, construction of the reactor compartment of power unit No. 3 is completed almost up to mark 6.6.
In the opinion of project manager, Director of NIAEP OJSC Valery Limarenko, such speed of construction makes it possible to carry out some control events at power unit No. 3 of Rostov NPP (including voltage supply for BOP needs) earlier: in December, 2011 instead of the middle of 2012.
Furthermore, erection of boundary walls of the reactor compartment up to mark 10.8, installation of turbine island frame pillars at RoNPP power unit No. 3 construction site is on.
At power unit No. 4 concreting of the reactor compartment base plate and installation of all pile foundation grillages for turbine hall frame will be over in July according to the schedule.
At present construction of power units Nos. 3 and 4 of RoNPP is carried out in accordance with the approved construction schedule. 43 contracting organizations with aggregate number of employees of a bit more than 3000 people are working at the construction site. Construction and assembling management No.1 (general contractor subdivision) plays the key role in the construction, this enterprise implemented the plan for June by 122 %. Builders from Yuskom and Stronnik contracting organization are also among the best.
“By now we have reached the stage when everything is steady and the result is most likely to be of high quality”, Director of Capital Construction Management of Rostov NPP Alexander Palamarchuk said at the conclusion of the meeting.
Rostov NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. The nuclear power plant is located on the bank of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir 13.5 km far from Volgodonsk city. Power Unit No.1 which was put into commercial operation in 2001 has the operated VVER-1000-type pressurized water reactor with installed capacity of 1000 MW. The physical start-up of Power Unit No 2 with the reactor of the same type was carried out in December, 2009. Power Unit No 2 undergoes the stage of experimental-industrial pilot production. Power Units Nos. 3 and 4 are being constructed. General contractor for the construction of power units Nos. 2, 3, 4 of Rostov NPP is Atomenergoproekt OJSC, Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Company (NIAEP). The enterprise is part of Atomenergoprom OJSC integrated company. The owner/developer is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC Capital Construction Management of Rostov NPP currently under construction.
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