The Suzunskoe field is currently in pilot production and produced 531 tons of oil in the first six months of the year.
Operations at Suzunskoe during the first half-year included engineering preparations on Well Pad No.9, site preparations for a materials base, installation of slabs in the base’s approach roads and laydown areas, and installation of slabs on the road from the base to Pad No.1. A road bed was also prepared and construction work on a bridge across the Kocho River on the road between Pads No.31 and 9 was 80% completed. Five wells are to be drilled by the end of the year.
Engineering preparations were also carried out on the foundations of well pads in the Russko-Rechenskoe and Tagulskoe licence blocks, where drilling is now under way. A total of four development wells are to be drilled at the Tagulskoe field in 2010, together with one appraisal well and two development wells at the Russko-Rechenskoe field.
According to ROSPAN INTERNATIONAL’s General Director Rustem Bakirov, investment in the Suzunskoe, Tagulskoe and Russko-Rechenskoe fields during the second half of the year will be more than 73% higher than during the first half.