28 Февраля 2025 | пятница | 07:51

Kalinin NPP: Specialists from RSA got familiarized with the experience of VVER operation

Августа 10, 2010

A technical seminar for the specialists from the Republic of South Africa was held at Kalinin nuclear power plant.

The event was the continuation of arrangements of the second meeting of the Joint Coordinating Committee established within the framework of the Agreement between the RF and RSA governments on cooperation in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear power.
The main purpose of the foreign colleagues visit among which there were representatives of ministries of energy, trade and industry of RSA, Eskom and NECSA, was familiarization with the Russian experience in the field of engineering, construction, operation and fuel supply of nuclear power plants with pressurized water reactors (VVER) as well as investigation of Rosenergoatom Concern possibilities with regard to new power units construction.
The RSA delegation members also visited the site of Kalinin NPP power unit No.4 under construction, turbine island and a modular control unit of operating power unit No.3.
In the opinion of acting chief engineer of Kalinin NPP Grigory Aleshin, the visit was of importance for the both parties. “I mean not only Kalinin nuclear power plant but Russia as a whole. Our country is interested in distribution of its technologies and knowledge all over the world and the South-African colleagues are oriented at development of their nuclear power industry, creating new relationships”, he noted summarizing the seminar results.
Eskom energy company representative Mr. David Nichols said that RSA was considering the variants of nuclear power industry enhancement within the country’s borders. “Our arrival coincided with the visit of RSA President to Russia. A lot of meetings between representatives of RSA and Russian government will be organized at this time”, David Nichols said.
Kalinin NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. The plant is situated in the north of Tver region in Udomlya district. Kalinin nuclear power plant comprises three operating power units with pressurized water reactors (VVER-1000) of 1,000 mW capacity each. Power unit No. 4 is under construction now and is to start up in 2011.

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