The main users of this type of control system are transport companies.
"Tatneft" is a leader in introduction of satellite monitoring of vehicles in Russia in terms of the scale, as well as in terms of technological effectiveness and development.
Currently, 7,039 vehicles of 44 motor companies are equipped with satellite monitoring systems. The scale of satellite monitoring is expanding and the system is also applied for keeping track of the surface technological transport equipment and for controlling the facts of vehicles refueling.
The introduction of the satellite monitoring system for transportation vehicles of OAO "Tatneft" is one of the areas of resource saving. Its implementation allowed the Company to reduce the average daily mileage of each unit of the equipment by 25% and fuel consumption by 22% in comparison with 2006.
In addition to satellite monitoring of vehicles the Company is also introducing control systems for other types of operation. Among them there is a control system of using fuel cards and a system of level control in fuel tanks. Also the system is implemented for monitoring fuel consumption for steam generation at mobile steam generating units. The system of video surveillance id actively applied both for the purpose of safety control and the control of technological process performance.