28 Февраля 2025 | пятница | 16:38

The System Operator and Rosenergoatom improve principles of the long-term cooperation

Августа 18, 2010

System Operator of the United Power System OJSC and Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC have agreed on a new Provision on technological cooperation with SO UPS OJSC performing the functions of operational dispatch management in the electric power industry.

The Provision is a basic document which determines the interaction between the companies when the System Operator manages power operating modes of the United Power System.
The Provision specifies the existing regulatory system in the sphere of operational dispatch management with due account for technological peculiarities of nuclear electric power plants performance and their safe operation.
Heretofore the parties cooperated on the basis of a temporary Provision, signed in May, 2004. The necessity to develop a new document was caused by the changes in the normative-technical base which regulates planning processes of management of Russian UPS operating modes and the procedure of investigation of accident causes in the electric power industry.
The new document describes all major business processes which go along with the cooperation of the companies when the System Operator manages the power system:
·planning of NPP operating modes, equipments repairs and maintenance of relay protection and automatic equipment as well as dispatch and process management equipment;
·management of technological modes of NPP power units’ operation, including the procedure of operating negotiations conducting, preparation, filing, pendency and agreement of dispatch applications; switch-over conducting;
·procedure of development prevention and elimination of failures of standard operating modes of the NPP electrical component as well as procedure of cooperation of the System Operator and Rosenergoatom Concern during accident investigation in the electric power industry.
For the first time the Provision provides a detailed description of interaction of Rosenergoatom and System Operator during designing, construction, commissioning, reconstruction, modernization and technical upgrading of NPPs. Formerly, during these processes the parties conformed general provisions of the regulatory base in the sphere of Russian UPS development.
Furthermore, the new document introduces new requirements for the organization of technical data exchange between NPPs and dispatch centers of the System Operator.
Alongside with the development of the new Provision, the parties were working out accompanying documents which described main business processes provided by the Provision. In particular, the time-limits of submitting to SO UPS OJSC dispatch centers of information about technological failures in NPP operation and joint monitoring of implementation of the NPP primary equipment emergency maintenance have already been confirmed.
The development of other necessary documents, which determine the cooperation arrangement of the System Operator and its branches with Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC when implementing the functions of operational dispatch management of Russian UPS.
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