01 Марта 2025 | суббота | 18:57

The Russian Federation intends to launch an international program in the field of fast reactors

Сентября 25, 2010

Such initiative was put forward by Head of Rosatom Sergey Kiriyenko on Monday, at the festive occasion dedicated to the tenth anniversary of INPRO held within the framework of the 54th General Conference of IAEA in Vienna.

“I’d like to propose initiative to the states concerned in organization of an international program of multilateral cooperation in development and research in the field of fast reactors including research in the field of security,” Kiriyenko said. He noted that in the future Russia would be ready to consider the possibility of usage the multifunctional fast research reactor site to have been constructed by 2017 for large-scale cooperation — both multilateral and bilateral.
The Head of Rosatom reminded that innovative know-how of the INPRO project was used by Russia in practice.
“We’ve added the INPRO methodology to our armory for assessment of our own innovative technologies including, certainly, the fast neutron reactors technologies,” Kiriyenko said.
The International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) was deployed by IAEA in response to Vladimir Putin’s initiative put forward at the Millennium Summit in 2000 “to join international efforts under the aegis of IAEA to ensure stable power generation development on the basis of nuclear technologies.”
The purpose of the INPRO project is development of innovative nuclear energy systems (INS) and nuclear fuel cycles (NFC) eliminating the use of most “sensitive” materials (plutonium, highly enriched uranium) and technologies (enrichment, processing), mitigating the risk of dissemination, solving the problem of safe radioactive waste handling, economically sound and environmentally safe in operation.

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