02 Марта 2025 | воскресенье | 23:50

Gazprom mounts first turbine of Adler CHPS

Октября 04, 2010

The first gas turbine of Adler CHPS was mounted on the foundation. Gazprom thus entered a crucial stage in the station construction – mounting of the main equipment of power units.

Taking part in the solemn ceremony held at the Adler CHPS construction site were Kirill Seleznev, Member of the Management Committee, Head of the Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons Marketing and Processing Department of Gazprom, management of Gazprom energoholding and Gazprom investproject as well as representatives of contracting companies.
“We will have to mount and install two state-of-the-art combined cycle gas turbine units in a seismically active terrain. It is a challenging task but I am sure it will be successfully accomplished! Today’s event and the general pace of work confirm once again that the Adler CHPS construction is in strict accordance with the schedule and will be completed on time – in 2012,” noted Kirill Seleznev.
Adler CHPS had been included in the Program for the Construction of Olympic Venues and Development of Sochi as a Mountain Climate Resort.
Adler CHPS will be based on two power units (two PGU-180 combined cycle gas turbine units) with an overall capacity of 360 MW (heating capacity – 227 Gcal/hr) and efficiency of 52 per cent.


Each power unit will consist of two gas turbines, 65.8 MW each, manufactured by Italian Ansaldo Energia, one 62.8 MW steam turbine manufactured by Kaluga Turbine Works and two waste heat boilers manufactured by Podolsk Machine Building Plant.
The CHPS construction project was one of the first Olympic power generating facilities to pass through the public hearings procedure and obtain state and environmental approvals.
Adler CHPS will be mainly powered by natural gas – the most eco-friendly energy resource. The modern combined cycle gas turbine technology ensures high efficiency, low fuel consumption and fewer (by around 30 per cent) pollutant emissions versus conventional steam power plants. Technologies and materials used within the project meet the highest Russian and international environmental standards.
Gazprom energoholding is Gazprom’s wholly owned subsidiary set up as part of the Company’s strategy for the power generation sector.
Gazprom investproject, Gazprom’s wholly owned subsidiary, is the Adler CHPS construction project investor. The Adler CHPS project is implemented on the project financing terms.
Mezhregion-Energostroy is the project customer and Mosenergo Fuel and Energy Company is the general contractor.
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