02 Марта 2025 | воскресенье | 23:52

Amendments to the law on Rosatom will allow reducing of emergency occurrence and ensuring of progressive development of the state nuclear complex

Октября 04, 2010

At the plenary meeting the State Duma gave a hearing in the first reading of draft federal law No. 426193–5 “On the Introduction of Amendments to Federal Law “On Rosatom Nuclear Power State Corporation” and to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” proposed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to Yury Lipatov, the Chief of RF State Duma Committee for Power Industry, the draft law refines a number of provisions provided by Federal Law “On Rosatom Nuclear Power State Corporation” with regard to ensuring of more effective performance by the State Corporation of its assigned powers and duties as well as introduces some amendments into the laws: “On Departmental Security Service”, “On Privatization of State and Municipal Property”, “On Sea Ports in the Russian Federation and on Introduction of Amendments into Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, the Town-Planning Code of the Russian Federation as well as the Merchant Marine Code of the Russian Federation”.
Yury Lipatov noted that “the draft law strengthened the Corporation’s powers with regard to supervision of nuclear, radiation, technical and fire safety of the nuclear units, radiation sources and storage units when using nuclear power in the Corporation’s institutions, its joint-stock companies, their subsidiary companies and affiliates as well as subordinate enterprises”.
The draft law extends the Corporation’s rights in terms of federal property management within the assigned activity, acquisition and conversion of securities and lending, assigns the functions of State consumer of new programs to the Corporation, extends the Corporation’s functions for ensuring activities in the field of property and non-property rights, including usage of the results of intellectual activity as asset contributions of the Russian Federation. “By amendments to the Merchant Marine Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law “On Sea Ports in the Russian Federation and on Introduction of Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” Rosatom is assigned with additional powers with regard to nuclear icebreaker fleet control and nuclear icebreaker pilotage”, Yury Lipatov stressed.
The Chief of the State Duma Committee for Power Industry is sure that “implementation of the draft law provisions will allow increasing of efficiency of production process organization at the nuclear power enterprises, reducing of possibility of emergency occurrence as well as ensuring of progressive development of the state nuclear complex”.
Federal Law No.317 “On Rosatom Nuclear Power State Corporation” was passed on December 1, 2007. It is aimed at large-scale reforming of the nuclear power industry, including improving of nuclear power use control.

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