03 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 13:01

Vietgazprom is planning to drill a third exploratory well in the Bao Vang deposit

Октября 07, 2010

The Joint Operating Company Vietgazprom is planning to start drilling a third exploratory well (VGP-111-BV-4X) in the Bao Vang deposit this October.

Additional engineering and geological surveys were carried out on the field at the well's drill point. As a result, a report was drawn up, an inspection of which was completed by Vietgazprom a couple of days ago. The compilation of the report was undertaken by the contractor, DMIGE (Dalnyevostochnaya Morskaya Ingenyerno-Geologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya - Far-Eastern Marine Engineering and Geological Expedition).
The projected depth of the next exploratory well is 1,600 metres.
The drilling of exploratory well VGP-111-BV-4X is planned within the scope of the Oil-and-Gas contract for block 112, signed between Gazprom, the Vietnamese National Oil-and-Gas Group Petrovietnam, PVEP Corporation for Oil-and-Gas Prospecting and Production and Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz.
An exploratory well in the Bao Vang structure, drilled by Vietgazprom in August 2007, indicated recoverable reserves of gas. According to this survey, inflows of gas amounted to around 400,000 cubic metres per day. There is also gas condensate present in the well's production output. This provided conformation for the opening of the Bao Vang gas condensate deposit.

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