03 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 13:23

Kalinin NPP was visited by the WANO experts

Октября 12, 2010

A group of international experts of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), headed by Vice-President of EDF Management Jacques Regaldo started its work at Kalinin NPP.

This is a preliminary visit within Corporate Partnership Check-Up (CPCU) of Rosenergoatom Concern which in accordance with the agreements will be held in April 2011.
When setting the stage for the joint work, Director of Kalinin NPP L.I. Martynovchenko stressed that the plant approved of international experts’ activity, which was mainly oriented at acquisition of the highest level of NPP safe and reliable operation. He expressed hope that the spirit of cooperation, which overcame national borders and commercial interests, would make contribute to the effectiveness of the joint work and the nuclear power industry would still hold the leadership position among other industrial branches.
The aim of the partnership inspection is to check Rosenergoatom Concern’s corporate management as well as monitoring and support of its nuclear power plants in order to achieve the highest levels of nuclear safety and security. “Corporate partnership check-up is not a check-up of one particular plant,” head of the expert group Jacques Regaldo said. “We are interested in the general work organization within Rosenergoatom Concern.”
The program of the WANO experts’ preliminary visit includes acquaintance with current activities of Kalinin NPP, “face to face” interviews with the plant director and his deputies, interviews with heads of engineering and technical, operating and repair activities, as well as inspection of major facilities of the industrial site. One shall also note that the World Association of Nuclear Operators is one of the most important sources of information, relevant to this topic.
The WANO mission is to improve safety and reliability of NPPs all over the world to the maximum extent by means of joint efforts of evaluation, comparison with the best achievements and operation improvement through mutual support, information exchange and good professional practice application.
The results of the preliminary visit to Kalinin NPP and inspection of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC in April 2011 will be summarized in a final report which will reflect the areas for improvements of the company activity as well as good utility practices which may be used in the work of other WANO members.
Kalinin NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. The plant is situated in the north of Tver region in Udomlya district. Kalinin nuclear power plant comprises three operating power units with pressurized water reactors (VVER-1000) of 1,000 mW capacity each. Power unit No. 4 is under construction now and is to be commissioned in 2011.
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