03 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 20:46

A professor from Moscow State University has given a seminar for Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz’s staff

Октября 15, 2010

A professor from Moscow State University has given a seminar for Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz’s staff Professor Valentina Zhemchugova from Moscow State University gave a seminar at Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz’s offices on a new area of geology - sedimentology.

“Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz are encountering the need to resolve exploration issues in various oil-and-gas provinces in the world,” said head geologist Vadim Rybalchenko, deputy General Manager of Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz. “In order to find the right and most economic solutions to geological issues, it is necessary to apply the most advanced technologies at all stages of exploration work.”
In order to understand the geological processes and assess the oil-and-gas potential of a working area, a new area of geological science is being used: sedimentology, which studies the renewal of sediment accumulation in clastic sequences, aimed at assessing the development of hydrocarbon reservoirs and the distribution of reservoir quality both on regional and local scales.
Questions regarding the origin, transfer, deposition and burial of sedimentary material are the focus of attention for sedimentologists. Understanding the processes for forming sedimentary cover facilitates an increase in hydrocarbon deposit exploration and development efficiency:
– The geometry of sandy matter can be predicted if the sediment accumulation subsidence environment is understood;
– Sedimentary processes control the original porosity and permeability of the reservoir;
– Diagenetic stages (this means the compression and cementation of sediment) allow the final porosity and permeability distribution to be predicted.
Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz is using seminars and lecture cycles with the participation of leading scientists from Russia’s top higher education establishments widely throughout the company, with the aim of actively employing the newest scientific advances in production activity. This August, Professor Sergei Aplonov from St. Petersburg State University delivered a series of lectures on the subject of: “Geodynamic analysis of sedimentary basins”.
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