04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 06:45

“Krasny Kotelshchik” commenced shipment of Utility Boiler for Cherepetskaya TPS

Октября 21, 2010

The shipment of the first uitlity boiler (Model TPE-223) has been started by PJSC TKZ “Krasny Kotelshchik” for a new power unit at Cherepetskaya TPS.

It should be noted that within the framework of construction of two pulverized-coal-fired-boiler power units for Cherepetskaya CPP with an installed power of 225 MW each, EMAlliance is delivering to the station two boiler units.
Engineering of the boilers of new units for Cherepetskaya TPS is undertaken by the Taganrog Engineering Center of EMAlliance. Manufacturing of the boiler equipment is performed by PJSC TKZ “Krasny Kotelshchik”.
The boilers of Model ТПP-223 are an example of the most advanced design of modern solid fuel-fired boilers for 225 MW power units. Their engineering philosophy is a basis for commercial boilers for 225 MW units designed for firing bituminous coal. It is based on a long-term experience of EMALliance and “Krasny Kotelshchik” specialists in designing high duty boilers, using modern technology aimed at improvement of the boiler performance.
As of today, the specialists of PJSC TKZ “Krasny Kotelshchik” have manufactured and shipped the following equipment for the first utility boiler: steel structures, platforms, stairs and ladders. Currently the supporting structures of burner area, downdraft duct hoppers, waterwall buckstays are re-preserved and prepared for shipment. The first boiler of Model TPE-223 will be shipped to the customer by the end of this year as follows: the shipment of steel structures, platforms, stairs and ladders will be finished in November, in December the boiler parts will be delivered to Cherepetskaya TPS: LP heater, HP heater, piping, boiler drum and other equipment. The total weight of the delivered equipment will be 4 432 tones.
At the same time, with shipment of steel structures for the first boiler, another identical boiler for Cherepetskaya TPS is under manufacturing. Today, the waterwall buckstays, supporting steel structures of burner area and hoppers of downdraft duct are prepared for shipment. Steel structures of transient gas duct, supporting steel structures for soot blowers and casing of convection shaft are under construction.
As to shipment of boiler plants by EMAlliance, in addition to the boiler, the Company’s scope of delivery will include boiler auxiliary equipment: induced-draft fans, fans, mills, pulverized coal-gas-air ducts, fuel supply equipment etc. 
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620137 г. Екатеринбург, ул. Студенческая, д. 1 корп. 3
Тел. / факс  (343) 345-09-72
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