04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 10:32

Environmental hearing on power unit No. 3 of Ekibastuzskaya GRES-2

Октября 26, 2010

Public hearing on ecologic issues in connection with Ekibastuzskaya GRES-2 project was held in Solnechny not far from Ekibastuz. The hearing was organized by the power plant with participation of COTES as the general designer.

The design documentation for the Expansion and Retrofit of Ekibastuzskaya GRES-2 Project with the installation of power unit No.3 had been submitted to the state expertise authorities of Kazakhstan. Among the people attending the hearing there were representatives of local authorities, state regulatory bodies, non-governmental organizations, mass media and the citizens of Solnechny and Ekibastuz, altogether about 250 people. Offered to the approval of the audience were basic engineering solutions of the project and the issues involving protection of the environment.
In their reports, the representatives of the power plant, general designer and the developer of the environmental impact assessment at the basic design stage –KazNIPIEnergoprom - informed the audience about historical background, political and economic goals and objectives of the construction of power unit No. 3 of the power plant. In particular, it was emphasized that the erection of the new power unit would create new jobs and improve social infrastructure both in Solnechny and Ekibastuz towns.
The speakers claimed that special attention in the Project was paid to environmental aspects, and the level of emissions from Unit No. 3 would be close to that typical for the European power stations. The state-of-the-art desulphurization and deNOx technologies used would greatly improve environmental performance of the power plant.
The discussion lasted for several hours. Public members asked many questions and expressed their concern about the construction and its impact on social and economic situation and consequences for the local population. Summing up the debates, the head of local administration in Solnechny and the president of the hearing, Mr. Saildzhanov expressed mutual opinion that there would not be any adverse effect on the environment due to permissible emission levels after launching the new power unit. Ekibastuzskaya GRES-2 as a local economic mainstay would ensure new jobs and improved welfare of the citizens. Therefore, he said, we favor the development of the station and believe that our joint efforts will make it possible to implement the new project.  
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