04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 15:59

Leningrad NPP: complex emergency response exercise has got a “good” mark

Октября 29, 2010

The complex emergency response exercise, performed at Leningrad NPP at the end of the last week, was held on a high level. When summarizing the CERE results at the meeting Director of the nuclear power plant Vladimir Pereguda gave a “good” mark to the participants.

“The event has been nicely organized and held without any violations. In comparison with the previous year one can easily see the introduced positive changes. We’ve been impressed by high preparedness of free lance organizations, people involvement and good working order of special machinery, used during the CERE,” LNPP Director stressed.
The CERE is aimed at training of actions and examination of personnel preparedness in case of emergency situations, as well as at training of cooperation with involved third-party emergency response structures. According to the Head of Plant Department of Mobilization Preparation and Civil Defense in Emergency Situations Viktor Ivanov, this aim has been gained.
“Both plant and external organization services, which came to render emergency care to the nuclear power plant, have coped with the set objective,” Viktor Konstantinovich said. According to him, one of the reasons for good results was timely practical classes and trainings of all engaged organizations.
During the meeting the participants also came forward with an initiative to ask the City Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Office to hold a joint exercise and train actions of LNPP and city evacuation commission.
The next complex emergency response exercise of Leningrad nuclear power plant is planned for 2013, and in May 2011, in accordance with the scheduled, there will be held a head-quarter exercise.
More than 350 people and 50 special machinery units have participated in CERE-2010. The exercise has engaged structures, which render assistance to nuclear power plants – emergency response team of Russian EMERCOM Central Administration and EMERCOM North-West Regional Centre, St. Petersburg Emergency Centre, Research and Rescue Professional Organization of Gazturbo CJSC and branches of military unit radiation and chemical reconnaissance.
Leningrad NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. The plant is located on the bank of the Gulf of Finland in Sosnovy Bor city, 80 km to the west of Saint Petersburg. Leningrad NPP operates 4 power units with RBMK-1000 (graphite-uranium pressure-tube thermal reactors). Each reactor has electric capacity of 1,000 MW. At present time the construction of Leningrad NPP-2, which is a part of Rosatom State Corporation long-term program for 2009-2015, is being performed. The construction management companyis Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC.

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