04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 16:05

Information Technologies for Ecologists of TATNEFT

Октября 30, 2010

Various programs in the field of environmental protection created on the basis of modern information technologies successfully function in the divisions of TATNEFT today.

One of them is a software system based on the corporate information system CIS ARMITS in the territory of NGDU Almetyevneft activity for analyzing and prompt planning of actions aimed at reducing the man-induced impact on the environment.
ARMITS system has been developed with input from experts of the geological, technological and environmental departments of Almetyevneft Oil and Gas Production Board and it includes all parameters of water sources required to carry out operational monitoring, analysis and obtain reporting information.
ARMITS software system uses the information base consisting of ARM "Ecolog", CIS ARMITS, ArcGIS and "Recording and analysis of piping systems" modules. Integration of ARM "Ecolog" package with mentioned software programs gives the professionals the opportunity to perform a comprehensive assessment of the ecological status of the water sources. Efficiency in finding and making a decision, fidelity of information, archival data (history of the issue evolution), and a unified approach to the problem - all of this ultimately helps to speed up reduction of the man-induced impact on the environment.
Water sampling for the analysis and inputting their results into the program is performed on a daily basis. For the purity of the result the sampling point coordinates are determined using a satellite navigator.
ARM "Ecolog" software allows the ecologists and production people to use the computer to track the water quality parameter changes in the water sources, and it is an effective tool for decision-making in the environmental field.
There are 154 controlled underground water source and 45 open water bodies, including three major rivers: Stepnoy Zay, Lesnoy Zay and Kichuy with small tributaries on the territory of NGDU Almetyevneft activity. Application of the environmental control program allows obtaining all information about the water sources, calculation of the taken samples chemical analysis results, operational and archival records in both tabular and graphical form within seconds. The data base on springs in NGDU Almetyevneft has been maintained since 1986 and it includes historical data. 
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