04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 16:11

Brief Results of SJSC "Uzbekenergo" activity for the 9 months of 2010

Октября 31, 2010

SJSC "Uzbekenergo" is ensuring the steady functioning the power enterprises, realizing of forecast indexes of the industrial activity in 2010.

For the purposes of achievement of the steady economical grow and stable work of the power branch with regard to its enterprises and company organizations, the measures had been developed for decrease of the cost price of production for 2010 and projected production
The decreasing of product costs has achieved 11.3% for 9 months of this year and local production was manufactured for 125.7%. For the 9 months of 2010 the subsidiary enterprises of the company has provided the performance forecast indexes of production activity. The volume of the commodity output of the branch has compiled 101,7%. in compare with the forecast. The growth rate has achieved 103.6%. The supply of electric energy to the consumers of the Republic was made in a volume of concluded contracts. The delivery of the electric power under direct contracts to Afghanistan and Tadjikistan was carried out, the survey services on design and civil-erection works have been rendered. The Company had proceeded measures for the realization of the investment projects provided under Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 12.03.2009 «About the program of measures on realization of the major projects on modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of manufacture in 2009-2014» and dated 28.10.2009 «About the investment program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for year 2010». The implementation of investment projects on construction of new objects and modernization, reconstruction of the current objects of the electric power industry are carried out in accordance with the Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2010. The construction of HVL 500 kV" Syrdarya TPP- S/S Sogdiana" in the electric network sphere is on the final stage, the realization of the project " The construction of external power supply objects in Tashkent city and other'' is running on. The implementation of the projects on the construction of CCPU at Navoi and Talimadjan TPP's, transfer of power units NoNo 1-5 on the all-year –round of coal burning at Novo-Angren TPP are under implementation in the sphere of thermal energy production. The works under the project «Implementation of the automated monitoring systems and the accounting of electric energy consumption in Uzbekistan power system» (1st stage) are continued. At the present, 200 thousand of modern meters were installed at economic entities, at 380 enterprises with installed capacity 750 kV.A and more, the local systems of the automated monitoring systems and accounting electric energy consumption were implemented. More than 1,7 mln. modern electric power meters was installed in the household sector. For the purposes of duly preparation of power supply system for the forthcoming autumn-winter period, the Company had developed and authorized branch measures, schedules of the basic power equipment repairs, the commissions for coordination work on preparation of power plants and networks for work in winter period. The planned works are at the completion stage. Within the framework of the State program "The year of the harmonically developed generation", the branch program was developed providing conditions for realization of the mental potential of young specialists, strengthening of material base of medical and health improvement facilities, strengthening of activity in physical training of the young generation and care of young families of the power branch employees, preparation of the qualified specialists for the power branch. For the purposes of assistance of the population employment, 1449 new workplaces, including 507 of home-craft labor positions had been created at the company enterprises.

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620137 г. Екатеринбург, ул. Студенческая, д. 1 корп. 3
Тел. / факс  (343) 345-09-72
г. Москва, 1-й Дербеневский переулок, д. 5 тел. (495) 287-98-51
E-mail: info@energyland.info
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