The utilization factor of maximum capacity in October was equal to 98.5%.
Since the startup in 1976 Kursk nuclear power plant has generated 685.077 bln kWh of electric power in all.
At present power units Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 are in operation. They are operating on power set by the dispatch schedule. No violations of limits and conditions of safe operation of the power units are registered.
The radiation background at Kursk NPP and in the area of its location corresponds to the normal operation of the power units and does not exceed natural background values.
Kursk NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. The plant is located on the left bank of the Seym River, 40 kilometers to the south-west of Kursk city. The NPP operates four power units with pressurized-tube reactors with total capacity of 4 million KW. The power units were connected to the united energy system of the country in 1976-1985. In 1994-2009 they were modernized. Kursk NPP is the largest power generating source in the Central Black Earth Belt.