05 Марта 2025 | среда | 00:37

Moscow Government approved the city Electricity Supply Plan Until the Year 2020 developed by OJSC Gazporm Promgaz

Ноября 12, 2010

Moscow Electricity Supply Plan providing 6-20Kw distribution networks includes building of 276 distribution and connection points (DP and CP), laying of 2621 km. cable lines of 20 Kw voltage, building of 381 distribution points and laying of 4367 km. cable lines of 10 Kw voltage.

The Plan implementation will permit to increase the number of electric loads connected to the network by 1,7 times, secure the reserve for connection of extra loads and lower the loss of electric energy in networks.
Within the frames of its scheduled Meeting the Moscow Government considered the city’s Electricity Supply Plan Until the Year 2020.
The Meeting was opened by the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobianin. The presentations were made by the Head of Moscow city Department for Fuel and Energy Evgeni Skliarov, General director of OJSC Gazprom promgaz Alexander Karasevich, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Andrei Shishkin, First Deputy of the Chairman of Moscow city Regional Commission for Energy Mikhail Yakovlev.
In his speech Alexander Karasevich pointed out that the Plan is aimed to provide the needs of social and economic development of the city and secure reliable electricity supply of the customers.
In accordance with the scheme implementation, it is planned to transfer the new densely building areas supply to 20 Kw voltage and gradually transfer the present networks of 6 Kw to a higher voltage. The old and worn-out equipment will be removed from utilization, while at development of electric power networks there will be used ecologically safe cable lines.
The Moscow Government approved the city’s Electricity Supply Plan Until the Year 2020.
The Moscow Electricity Supply Plan is a part of the presently developing General Plan of the City’s Energy Supply. It includes Energy Strategy, Heating Supply Plan and External Gas Supply Plan, which already have been approved by the Moscow Government.
ОJCS Gazprom promgaz is the head research center of ОАО Gazprom in the field of feasibility evaluation of regional energy policy, gasification, gas distribution and use, development of small fields and coalmine methane resources.
In 2007 the Moscow city Department for Fuel and Energy concluded a contract with ОJSC Gazprom promgaz for development of the Energy Strategy of the Moscow city, the General Plan of the City Energy Supply with regard to the program of implementation of generating capacities and Integrated analytical information model of energy supply to city facilities for the period until the year 2025. 
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