04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 22:17

"Turboatom" manufactured and dispatched the wicket gate for Kanev HPP

Ноября 12, 2010

Specialists of OJSC "Turboatom" conducted functional tests of wicket gate of hydro turbine Kanev HPP (station No 11).

According to the results of tests had been signed an act of acceptance that all the controlled parameters correspond to the norms. Equipment, including a wicket gate and auxiliary units, shipped to the customer.
At Kanev HPP being upgraded capsule horizontal turbine with the installation of a new impeller and guide vanes. For the reconstruction of the station at “Turboatom” developed a new high-performance Kaplan impeller diameter of 6 meters with an updated blade system. The wicket gate is equipped with new blades with improved profiles, and installed new bearings pins blades with modern composite coatings. After the reconstruction capacity of hydro set will increase from 19.2 MW to 23 MW, efficiency will increase by 4%, increase reliability and durability of the turbine.
Today in the workshops of the plant made six turbines for the updating of HPP Dnieper cascade.
Customer reconstruction project Ukrainian HPP - OJSC “Ukrhydroenergo”.

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