04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 21:18

National Atomic Company Kazatomprom representatives visited Ural Electro Chemical Plant

Ноября 15, 2010

A NAC Kazatomprom board of directors representative Mr. Vladimir Shkolnik visited production sites of Ural Electro Chemical Plant (a part of TVEL Fuel Company, Rosatom State Corporation).

During the visit he met Mr. Vladislav Korogodin who is a Rosatom State Corporation Directorate deputy director for nuclear power complex and UECP board of directors chairman. Mr. Shkolnik also met management of TVEL Fuel Company and management of UECP. The parties have discussed the matters of cooperation to follow the action plan aims to set up Uranium Enrichment Center (UEC) based on UECP facilities.
The parties positively recognized the progress done in fulfillment of the cooperation development Agreement between Rosatom State Corporation and NAC Kazatomprom, hence all the work done in this respect.
After visiting the Integrated Plant the Kazakhstan delegation admitted high technological level, well organized separating facility, good science and technological potential and comprehensive expertise of UECP necessary for UEC project implementation.
The decision allowing UECP JSC to join UEC project was taken on July 5 within the framework of Evrazes summit agenda. In particular, a joint declaration of intent was signed by Rosatom State Corporation and NAC Kazatomprom to proceed with Nuclear Energy Peaceful Purpose Usage action plan through implementing of an alternative UEC (Uranium Enrichment Center) project on the basis of UECP facilities. According to the original project, a new production complex was supposed to be organized on the basis of AECP in Arkhangelsk. It was specified in the declaration signed on July 5 that NAC Kazatomprom takes part of the UECP JSC share capital through JSC UEC. The share of participation will be a subject for evaluation based on enriched uranium production services volume necessary for the production of 6 thousand tons of natural uranium. Besides, all basic technical and economic characteristics as well as profitability of alternative project should be the same as their level in original UEC project. 
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