According to “Vestnik Atomproma” (special Rosatom’s publication), Tukan said: “Jordanian Government has declared that the nuclear power plant will be constructed on the PPP model base, i.e., public private partnership. This is exactly the variant that was offered by Rosatom. It reflects the things, Jordanian Government is concerned about. We really want to be in a team with Rosatom, with people, who will operate our plant”.
In his interview to the magazine Tukan noted that at present Jordan considered three serious partners for NPP construction, including Rosatom, represented by Atomstroyeksport closed joint stock engineering company, a Canadian company that had offered the CANDU reactor project (CANada Deuterium Uranium) and Areva Company.
According to Tukan one of these companies will have been chosen by the middle of 2011.