04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 15:21

Oilmen's Resource-Saving Activities Have Yielded Positive Results

Ноября 19, 2010

The resource saving activities of OAO TATNEFT for 9 months of this year resulted in saving material and natural resources worth 458 million rubles. The economic effect from implementation of energy saving measures for the same period amounted to 577 million rubles.

The main objective of the energy and resource saving program of the Company is efficient usage of fuel and energy, material and natural resources through implementation of resource-saving measures to improve production efficiency.
According to the approved energy saving program for the period under review 135 measures were implemented with 80 of them aimed at electric power saving. It is worth naming the most efficient ones: reduction of water recovery through selective shut down of highly watered wells (24% of the total electric power saving), reduction of unproductive water injection (18%), static capacitor batteries installation (8%) and optimization of the reservoir pressure maintenance system's pumping units (6%).
By the results of the first 9 months of this year all oil and gas production boards operated within the limits of the planned electric power rate of consumption. During the first 9 months of 2010, specific energy consumption for oil production amounted to 117.5 kWh / t and it is equal to the one for the same period in 2009, but lower than the planned value by 1%.
General Director of OAO TATNEFT approved a long-term goal-oriented program for resource conservation for the period until 2020 in March this year. Implementation of a new 10-year program will begin in 2011. The program identifies priorities for improving energy efficiency of OAO TATNEFT and outlines a multi-level system of indicators for monitoring and analyzing of the process. Priority is given to the activities with quick response and cost-effective ones, as well as to new directions in energy conservation, such as alternative power sources and development of own power generation.
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