04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 15:18

A Fuel Company based on “TVEL” OJSC has been established

Ноября 22, 2010

Three-days scientific and technical conference devoted to the experience of operation of a new generation nuclear fuel at the NPP, new developments and innovative priorities of nuclear-power engineering development strategies was opened at “VNIINM” OJSC.

Over 250 specialists take part in the conference, who represent a several dozens of Russian enterprises, scientific research institutes and specialized higher educational institutions.
While opening a conference Mr. Yuri Olenin informed that a Fuel Company had been established. Nowadays it unites scientific and technical facilities (fabrication, gas-centrifugal and separating-sublimating plants). Its creation provides new possibilities for development and strengthening of competitive positions of a Fuel Company due to increase of production efficiency, increase of order volumes, creation of additional investment resource and new development financing.
As an example he noted an increase of R&D works performed by “VNIINM” OJSC. Mr. Olenin said: “The plants of the company managed to provide “VNIINM” with two hundred million rubles for R&D works thanks to savings achieved as a result of restructuring being conducted, optimization of areas and energy-efficiency oriented activities”.
According to the Head of Fuel Company, Russian nuclear fuel includes the best consumer characteristics, excelling Western analogues, it’s signature is reliability and safety. “Just thanks to these advantages we have to get ahead of our competitors”, - underlined Mr. Yuri Olenin.
During his public speech he talked briefly about success reached by a Fuel Company at the international market. It includes long-term contracts concluded with India, Slovakia, Ukraine, agreement on creation of enterprise producing nuclear fuel for WWER-1000 reactors in the territory of Ukraine, contract documents signed with China for complete delivery of fuel assemblies TVS-2M for block No. 1 of Tianwan NPP and transfer of fuel assemblies TVS-2M production technology.
“This success was achieved thanks to industry scientists, production engineers and designers, - underlined Mr. Y. Olenin. At the first day of the conference two session were conducted devoted to the main tendencies of development of nuclear fuel and fuel cycles for nuclear-power engineering of Russia, promising directions of development and implementation of nuclear fuel for different types of reactors. Over 50 reports will be presented at the conference in total.

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