04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 13:33

Beloyarsk NPP-2: tests of the BN-800 reactor main vessel have been successfully completed

Ноября 24, 2010

Tests of the main vessel, assembled for the future BN-800 reactor installation, have been successfully completed at the site of Beloyarsk NPP-2, which is under construction.

This information is stated in the certificate of the acceptance committee, which estimated the progress and results of the tests, comprising four stages of soundness, density, resistance and tightness checks, which have been implemented within a month.
This event was preceded by a serious preparatory work related to issuing of the vessel (reactor vessel) technical certificate and Rostekhnadzor inspection notification.
The committee included representatives of Afrikantov Experimental Design Bureau of Machine Building OJSC, Podolsk Machine Building Plant (ZiO) OJSC, Uralelektromontazh PO CJSC and Directorate of Constructed Beloyarsk NPP-2 – a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC.
In particular, the certificate stated the following: “The test results guarantee that the most important apparatus component – main vessel, which influences nuclear plant safe and reliable operation, is ready to undergo further works.”
According to Deputy Chief Installation Engineer of Directorate of Constructed Beloyarsk NPP-2 Sergey Kirin, completion of testing of the assembled vessel of future BN-800 reactor installation is a momentous event for the process of construction of the fourth power unit. “Installation of the main reactor vessel is a certain mark. Vessel tests tally up the entire period of serious works,” he stated.
Hereinafter it is planned to mount a guard reactor vessel and vessel internals of Beloyarsk NPP-2. These works are to have been implemented by November 2011 and April 2012 correspondingly.
Directorate of Constructed Beloyarsk NPP-2 is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC which operates all nuclear power plants of Russia. A BN-800 fast neutron reactor, which is an important innovative link for the nuclear industry development for the benefit of the country’s economy, is being erected at the construction site. Fast neutron power units serve for substantial extension of the fuel base of the nuclear power industry and minimization of radioactive waste due to the closed nuclear fuel cycle.
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