04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 09:54

CJSC “Moldavskaya TPS” delegation with audit visited “Krasny Kotelshchik”

Ноября 29, 2010

Representatives of CJSC “Moldavskaya TPS” with their inspection visited “Krasny Kotelshchik”. During the visit, the specialists examined in details the process of production of ordered equipment at “Krasny Kotelshchik” under the reconstruction of boiler TM – 104 at power unit No 9 of Moldova TPS.

It should be noted that equipment replacement at power unit No 9, which is aimed at upgrade of technical and economic performance (to reduce hazardous emissions, and also improve economical efficiency and reliability of the boiler in general), is undertaken in terms of the contract between JSC “EMAlliance” and CJSC “Moldavskaya TPS”. The total mass of the equipment is nearby 300 tons, and the total amount is more than 160 million RUR.
During the visit at PJSC TKZ “Krasny Kotelshchik”, the customers acquainted with the process of producing of low and high pressure superheaters, platens, spray attemperators, headers, and also burners, designed for reconstruction of the station in Moldova. It was pointed out by the foreign specialists, that the products for Moldova TPS correspond to all the standards and requirements and are manufactured at TKZ according to the concluded contract and schedule.
The shipping of the first assemblies, produced for Moldova TPS, begins by TKZ at the end of November this year. The headers, attemperators and a part of convective superheater coil bundles will be shipped to the station. The acceptance of the rest equipment, manufactured by “Krasny Kotelshchik”, will be accomplished by the Moldova specialists in the middle of December during the next audit. The completion of the works on this order is scheduled at the end of December, 2010.

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