04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 07:37

TATNEFT Presented Its Energy Saving Technologies at the Specialized Exhibition

Декабря 03, 2010

The exposition of OAO TATNEFT at the XII-th International specialized exhibition "Energy. Resource Saving-2010" organized by the "Kazan Fair" Exhibition Centre from November 30 to December 3, was one of the most representative.

The exhibition "Energy. Resource Saving" is one of the leading events of the energy topics arranged in Russia and CIS countries. Every year the exhibition is a traditional venue of meetings and business contacts of manufacturers and power men and arouses great interest of Russian and foreign companies.
The exposition of TATNEFT was visited by Ildar Khalikov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan. Nail Ibragimov, First Deputy General Director for Operations - Chief Engineer of TATNEFT, told him about the systematic and large-scale work of oilmen in the field of energy saving.
Special attention of the visitors was attracted by display stands with information on implementation of the resource and energy conservation programs for 2000-2010 and the prospects of TATNEFT Company's resource and energy conservation program for 2011-2020.
The exposition of TATNEFT represents in detail the main aspects of the program implementation: organizational arrangements, introduction of new equipment and technologies, advanced methods of associated petroleum gas utilization, improvement of hard-to-recover oil production methods, etc.
As a result of implementing activities under the "Energy-efficient Economy" program the Company has saved more than 1.9 million tons of reference fuel for 11 years period, which has allowed a 20% reduction in the consumption of fuel and energy resources. The activities performed has helped to reduce specific energy consumption per 1 ton of crude oil produced by 1.5% since 1999, while the specific consumption for production of 1 ton of liquid has been reduced by 6.9%.
The most effective result of the energy conservation program has been obtained through the introduction of preliminary water discharge units at the booster pumping stations in the crude oil treatment system (25%) through raising the wellhead pressure at the low injectivity and remote injection wells and application of tubing with internal polymer coating in the system of the reservoir pressure maintenance (21%). 20% of savings have resulted from the activities aimed at reducing production volumes of associated water, reducing unproductive water injection and application of enhanced oil recovery methods in the field development system.
TATNEFT Company combines saving of fuel and energy resources with other activities providing for savings of other types of resources: financial, environmental and labor. Since 2005 efforts applied in this regard have resulted in the total savings of material and natural resources exceeding the amount of 5.7 billion rubles in monetary terms. Labor savings through increasing the labor productivity and improving the production organization have amounted to more than 5 million man hours over the past 6 years.
The stands of the Company have traditionally presented recent trends of its energy and resource saving activities. They include new production facilities based on application of the most advanced technologies producing environmentally friendly and cost-efficient products: Nizhnekamsk factory of all-steel cord tires and "P-D Tatneft-Alabuga Steklovolokno (Glass Fiber)" factory.

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