03 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 21:17

Gazprom and GDF SUEZ summarize sci-tech cooperation results for 2010

Декабря 18, 2010

The partnership between Gazprom and GDF SUEZ is progressing in various areas that involve energy saving, transmission facilities reconstruction, gas losses reduction, UGS construction and operation, LNG projects and advanced training of experts. GDF SUEZ also partners with Gazprom in the Nord Stream gas pipeline construction.

Under the chairmanship of Vlada Rusakova, Member of the Management Committee, Head of the Strategic Development Department, Gazprom and Marc Florette, Head of the Research and Innovation Department, GDF SUEZ an extended meeting of experts coordinating the sci-tech cooperation (STC) between the companies took place in Noyabrsk on November 15–16, 2010.
The parties addressed the STC Program results achieved in 2010. The meeting participants delivered speeches on liquefied natural gas (LNG) production safety, ways of protecting gas pipelines against corrosion, optimization of compressor station management and interaction between Gazprom and GDF SUEZ in the energy efficiency and environmental protection sectors. Moreover, Gazprom introduced proposals on shaping a Europe-wide data processing system that would coordinate dispatch services.
As was scheduled, the delegations from Gazprom and GDF SUEZ visited production facilities of Gazprom dobycha Noyabrsk at the Vyngaiakhinskoye gas field.
On December 7, 2007 the companies signed the Sci-Tech Cooperation Agreement. In June 2010 – the Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate in the energy saving and energy efficiency areas.
Considering the current energy and environmental challenges, GDF SUEZ regards meeting the energy demand, safe supply assurance, combating the climate change and implementation of the projects contributing to efficient use of resources as important fields of activity.
GDF SUEZ has a diversified portfolio of orders, providing its customers – private, industrial and municipal consumers – with innovative and efficient solutions also offering a wide range of electricity production techniques ensuring lowest CO2 emission.
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