03 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 13:41

JSC FGC UES and Alstom Grid signed an Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation

Декабря 23, 2010

JSC FGC UES and Alstom Grid signed an Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation in electric energy sector. The document was signed during the meeting of the Bilateral Committee on trade and economic cooperation and scientific and technical cooperation which took place in Moscow under the chairmanship of heads of governments of the two countries – Mr. Vladimir Putin and Mr. Francois Fillon.

The Agreement was signed by Mr. Oleg Budargin, Chairman of the Board of the Federal Grid Company, and Mr. Gerhard Seyrling, Senior Vice President Innovation & Performance Improvement of Alstom Grid. The document represents a logical extension to the previously signed complex Agreement on cooperation between the two companies and defines relations between parties in the area of scientific research and implementation of innovative technology.
In compliance with the Agreement the parties plan to carry out joint research in the area of development of power grid complex on the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center. In the first place, the research shall concern construction of power grids for large cities, creation of modern relay protection systems, automatic protection and security devices, development of automated process control systems and network control modes. The project shall also employ leading specialists from Russian universities and scientific institutes.
Cooperation in planning, design, research and operation of power grids, including construction of Smart Grids, shall also be developed. Besides, the companies agreed to cooperate in development of HVDC power transmission technology, flexible alternating current transmission systems (FACTS), etc.
"Today both FGC and Alstom have gained large experience in the field of manufacture and operation of electrical equipment, implementation of innovative technologies of electric grid control, development and use of the latest systems. This information exchange along with cooperation on new projects will enable us to use technological capabilities of both companies at maximum efficient rate and will have positive influence on development of electric grid complex both in Russia and in France", − Mr. Oleg Budargin, Chairman of JSC FGC UES Board commented on the Agreement.
"We are happy about this new stage of relations between Аlstom Grid and FGC, which allows our company to participate in development of Smart Grids in Russia. It was particularly FGC’s support within the past two months that allowed us to create joint work teams to exchange experience in the area of power grid technology and proceed to investigation of possibilities of placing Alstom Grid equipment production in Russia", – Mr. Gerhard Seyrling, Senior Vice President Innovation & Performance Improvement of Аlstom Grid noted.

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