03 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 00:30

Leading specialists of China National Nuclear Corporation have visited ECP

Декабря 25, 2010

A delegation of leading specialists of Chinese nuclear power industry led by Head of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Department of CNNC Lee Guanchan visited JSC PA Electrochemical Plant (an enterprise of Rosatom’s TVEL Fuel Corporation).

The foreign guests arrived as pursuant to the agreement between Rosatom State Corporation and China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) were accompanied by representatives of TVEL Fuel Company and Tekhsnabexport OJSC.
Specialists of JSC PA ECP told the Chinese colleagues about the advanced technologies of uranium enrichment and up-to-date equipment installed at the enterprise. Besides, the CNNC representatives visited a machine-building production department established on the basis of JSC PA ECP and producing components for high- and low-pressure pipelines for NPPs and thermal power plants. It’s the lance where the major part of vacuum lines for the Chinese enrichment plant is produced.
According to Lee Guanchan, the Chinese delegation has been impressed by a great number of technical and technological innovations at JSC PA ECP, the range of modernization carried out at Electrochemical Plant as well as а wide variety of active applied and scientific research. “When we saw everything with our own eyes, we made sure that the Russian uranium isotope separation industry is really the best in the world“ Mr. Guanchan said.

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