03 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 00:53

LLC “STROYGAZMONTAZH” will make overhaul of LLC “Gazprom transgaz StPetersburg” gas pipelines

Декабря 28, 2010

LLC “Gazprom centrremont” has acknowledged LLC “SGM” a successful bidder of the open tender for the right to conclude a construction contract for performance of works under the program of the linear part of trunk gas pipelines and pipelines – branches overhaul in 2011.

The operating company is – LLC “Gazprom transgaz StPetersburg”.
In 2011 LLC “STROYGAZMONTAZH” will repair 9 sections of gas pipelines and 6 sections of pipelines – branches in Leningrad, Smolensk, Novgorod and Tver regions with total length of 181,5 km. During these works the recoating of main and reserve strings (in total 10 km) of the gas pipeline Belousovo – Leningrad and replacement of 171,5 km of defected pipes will be made.
LLC “STROYGAZMONTAZH” has performed the overhaul program of 2010 for the needs of LLC “Gazprom transgaz StPetersburg”. The company repaired 147,9 km on 10 sections of trunk pipelines in Leningrad, Smolensk, Tver, Kaliningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions. The overhaul program envisaged recoating of 25,1 km of pipelines and replacement of 122,8 km of defective pipes. This will ensure reliability and stability of gas supply to consumers of the north-western region of the country.
The overhaul of the linear part of trunk pipelines is one of priorities in the complex of measures for enhancement of gas transporting system work reliability.

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