As the press-service of OAO MPK “ANGG” reports to the agency “Tyumenskaya Liniya”, the complex on the basis of digital platform MotoTRBO (Motorola) gives the enterprise operational data communications between employees and the management within Eguryakhskoye oilfield. “Aganneftegasgeologiya” carries out commercial development of difficult to access Eguryakhskoye oilfield since 2009 as operator for oil production. Dispatcher station will make it possible to make individual and group calls, to use radio network more efficiently. All radios are equipped with alarm.
Similar digital communication based on MotoTRBO platform already works at “Mohticneft” oilfield, analogues communication systems are at oilfields of TPP “Aganneft” – Roslavlskoye and Zapadno-Mogutlorskoye. The enterprise also plans to implement the software complex “SmartPTT” at Chernogorskoye oilfield.