01 Марта 2025 | суббота | 09:19

Consolidated profit of National Company “KazMunayGas” in 2010 exceeds 2.5 times the 2009 figure

Февраля 01, 2011

An extended meeting of the Management Board of JSC NC “KazMunayGas” (KMG NC) was held in Astana, where the preliminary results of the company’s financial and economic activities for 2010 were summed up, and the tasks for 2011 were set.

According to the most recent data, the consolidated uplift of oil and gas-condensate for 2010 amounted to 22 mn tons, 4% higher than the plan and 17% higher as compared to 2009.
The volume of oil transportation by main pipelines was 65.8 mn tons, which is 4% above the plan and 3% higher as compared to 2009.
The oil delivery by maritime transport amounted to 7.1 mn tons, exceeding the target indicator by 1%.
In 2010 14.8 mn tons of oil were refined, which is 2% above the plan and 16% higher than the 2009 figure.
99.7 bcm of gas were transported during the reporting period, 6% above the plan and 9% higher than in 2009.
According to the preliminary unaudited data, KMG’s consolidated income in 2010 is 2.3 trn tenges, exceeding the target indicator by 10% and the 2009 income - by 15%.
The consolidated profit was 284 bn tenges, which is 2.5 times bigger than in 2009.
Over 405.4 bn tenges were paid to the country’s budget in taxes and other mandatory payments, exceeding the plan by 10%, and the 2009 level – by 31%.
The total amount of purchases in the KMG group of companies in 2010 was 1.6 trn tenges, of them goods account for 776 bn tenges, works - 393.1 bn tenges, and services - 425.7 bn tenges. Meanwhile, the Kazakh content in the total amount of purchases was 811 bn tenges and or 51 %, in goods - 31%, in works - 63%, in the purchases of services - 75%.
For the purposes of the implementation of the State Program for Boosted Industrial-and-innovation-based Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014 (SPBIID), KMG NC proceeded to the construction of the road bitumen production plant in Aktau and the “Beineu-Bozoi-Shymkent” main gas pipeline, which were launched by the Head of the State personally, - K. Kabyldin, Chairman of the Management Board of JSC NC "KazMunayGas", noted.
Further, in accordance with the SPBIID, as part of the modernization of the Atyrau Refinery LLP, the construction of the aromatics production complex with the cost of 1 bn 130 mn US dollars commenced.
Among the milestone events of 2010 there is the discovery of the oil and gas field at the Liman block whose recoverable reserves, according to the preliminary data, are 8.5 mn tons, signing of the Final Investment Decision on the Project for CPC Expansion to 67 mn tons annually (of them Kazakhstan's oil - 52.5 mn tons annually).
For the purpose of further increasing the resource base and search for hydrocarbons in the Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea, in 2010 KMG NC signed an exploration and production contract on the “Satpayev” block with the RoK’s Ministry of Oil and Gas, and memoranda of understanding with Statoil ACA – on the “Abai” area and with Total – on the "Zhenis” area, and exploration contracts on the following onshore areas: "Temir”, “Uzen-Karamandybas” and “Karaton-Sarkamys”.
The small vessel repair and overhaul plant and the drilling muds plant were also commissioned in 2010 in the Mangistau oblast.
In 2010 KMG NC (SDEs not included) appropriated 6.1 bn tenges for sponsorship and charitable aid.
According to the production plan, In 2011 KMG NC plans to produce over 22.1 mn tons of oil, transport by main pipelines - 64.2 mn tons of oil, by maritime transport - 10.2 mn tons of oil, increase natural gas transportation to 101.7 bcm, refine 15.3 mn tons of oil.
For the purposes of the implementation of the company’s Long-Term Development Strategy, KMG NC will pay special attention to the matters of cost control, increasing the Kazakh content, and development of R&D.
KMG NC will continue its work on forming an efficient investment portfolio, improving the corporate governance system and optimizing the company’s asset structure in the five main business areas (exploration and production, oil transportation, transportation and marketing of gas, refining and marketing of oil and oil products, service projects).

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