01 Марта 2025 | суббота | 05:36

Gazprom’s Board of Directors resolves to primarily fund energy saving technologies

Февраля 07, 2011

In particular, during gas transmission it is planned to widely utilize large diameter flow coated pipes and specialized equipment enabling to avoid gas losses in process and repair operations at the gas transmission system (GTS) facilities; energy efficient equipment for the GTS linear part, compressor and gas distribution stations; and programmed computer systems to simulate and optimize the GTS operation modes.

Russia's Energy Strategy up to 2030 stipulates that specific consumption of fuel and energy resources for process needs in the fuel and energy sector is annually reduced by at least 1 per cent.
Gazprom's energy saving and environmental efforts are taken in compliance with the requirements of the applicable Russian laws and regulations as well as corporate regulatory documents: the Energy Saving Concept and energy saving programs.
Between 2002 and 2010 (2010 data is preliminary) Gazprom saved fuel and energy resources in the amount of 28.8 million tons of fuel equivalent including 27.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas and some 1 billion kWh of electricity.
The economic effect of resource saving over this period was at RUB 24.4 billion with energy saving costs reaching RUB 15.6 billion.
Last December Gazprom adopted the 2011–2020 Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Concept and the 2011–2013 Energy Saving Program.
The Concept is primarily aimed at the maximum use of energy saving potential in any activity thus reducing the environmental impact. This objective will be met through cutting-edge technologies and equipment utilization as well as through energy saving management streamlining. The energy saving potential for 2011–2020 is defined at 28.2 million tons of fuel equivalent.
The energy efficiency target for 2011–2020 is to reduce specific natural gas consumption for process needs by at least 11.4 per cent (saving no less than 1.2 per cent of natural gas consumed for process needs) and greenhouse gas emissions – by at least 486 million tons of CO2.
In the gas production sector the Company will continue to actively adopt new well testing and repair technologies as well as improved gas pumping units at booster compressor stations. The efforts will be intensified to optimize the gas field operation modes and to ensure utilization of the power plants specific with low fuel consumption for process needs.
In the field of gas, condensate and oil processing Gazprom, among other things, will go on reconstructing and upgrading process equipment and in the field of underground gas storage – enhancing the UGS facilities operation modes.
Gazprom will also carry on its R&D activities and implementation of cutting-edge technologies that may save considerable energy resources utilized for process needs. The main activity areas are as follows: efficient use of low pressure gas, associated petroleum gas conversion into liquid fuels, renewable energy sources development and waste gas heat utilization at gas turbine units.

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620137 г. Екатеринбург, ул. Студенческая, д. 1 корп. 3
Тел. / факс  (343) 345-09-72
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