28 Февраля 2025 | пятница | 19:44

In 2011, branch of IDGC North-West "Komienergo” will spend 309 million rubles to repair of energy facilities

Февраля 15, 2011

In 2011, branch of IDGC North-West "Komienergo” will spend 309 million rubles to repair the transmission lines and equipment. It is almost 12% more than in the previous year.

48% of investments will be spent on repair of networks 0,4-10 kV, 13% - on repair of industrial buildings with using of energy-saving materials, 10% - on repair of substation 35-110 kV equipment, 7% - on repair of the lines 35-110 kV, and the rest - on repair of vehicles, diesel power stations and communication equipment.
Totally, for the coming year, is planned to repair 175 km of transmission lines 35-110 kV, 360 km of overhead lines 0, 4-20 kV and 34 km of cable lines. The company plans the replacement of 3746 poles, repair of equipment of 152 substations 35-110 kV, and repair of 389 transformer substations 6-10 kV.
Among the major projects are repairing of 18 km of the transmission line 110 kV from Sosnogorskaya  heat electro power station to substation  "Pashnya", renovation of 14 km of line  35 kV from substation "Troitsk" to substation "Komsomolsk", replacing of  nine oil circuit breakers for the vacuum ones  on the substation 110/10 kV “Kuratovo " , repair of oil circuit breakers at substation 110/10 kV "Ust-Kupom” and repair of 7 km of 10 kV overhead transmission line from the substation Podtybok.

Адрес: 115114 Россия,
620137 г. Екатеринбург, ул. Студенческая, д. 1 корп. 3
Тел. / факс  (343) 345-09-72
г. Москва, 1-й Дербеневский переулок, д. 5 тел. (495) 287-98-51
E-mail: info@energyland.info
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