28 Февраля 2025 | пятница | 23:31

Stage of Feasibility Study for Cascade of HPPs in Ecuador is Nearing Completion

Марта 10, 2011

In Quito, the capital of Ecuador, there were held negotiations between Mexican Company Technoproject S.A. representatives and specialists of JSC «Institute Hydroproject», incorporated in «RusHydro» Holding Company. According to Alexander Fink, the Director of International Activities, by the end of March, 2011, it is planned to complete Feasibility Study for cascade of HPPs «Тоrtugo», «El Tigre» and «Llurimaguas» on the Guayllabamba River in the Republic of Ecuador.

Joint work with the specialists of Technoproject S.A. on the first HPP will be completed by March 14; work on the remaining two hydropower plants will be finished by the end of March; after that it is planned to start preparation of Feasibility Report.
We would like to remind that at the start of 2010 the specialists of the Institute got an invitation from Mexican Company Technoproject S.A. de S.V. to participate in elaboration of Pre-Feasibility Report and Feasibility Report for cascade of HPPs on the Guayllabamba River in Ecuador for the Spanish Company HidroEquinoccio. The work was divided into three stages. The first stage, optimization of the HP cascade scheme, was approved by the Client in April, 2010. After that the specialists started the stage of Feasibility Studies: conducting site investigations, geomechanical studies.
The specialists of the «Institute Hydroproject» will also take part in the third, final stage of Feasibility Report. According to Alexey Zherebtzov, the Project Manager, «the scope of work has already been agreed with the Maxican Company in the course of negotiations. In August, 2011, we plan to pass the third stage report to the Client. Therefore, construction itself may be started already in 2012».
The project, in which specialists of JSC «Institute Hydroproject» take part, is one of the key projects in development of Ecuador power sector. At present the total installed capacity of hydropower plants of the Republic amounts to about 1750 МW, which provides more than 40% of the output in the country. The Government of Ecuador in the coming years plans to increase the share of hydro generation in the country. All in all it is planned to construct 11 projects on the Guayllabamba River with total installed capacity more than 2000 МW. Power generated by these HPPs will cover the demands of the most economically developed Pichincha Province, where Quito, the capital, is located.

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