01 Марта 2025 | суббота | 06:20

DTEK’s Enterprises Have Their Environmental EMS under ISO 14001:2004

Марта 21, 2011

Fourteen enterprises of DTEK have their environmental management systems (EMS) certified for their conformity with ISO 14001:2004. The Company’s enterprises are the first in the Ukrainian power industry to have brought their EMS in compliance with the best international practices. The audit was conducted by Moody International.

DTEK has been introducing environmental standard ISO 14001:2004 during 2008-2010. As a result, the Company designed uniform corporate environmental protection standards, identified environmental aspects and risks, and created an efficient system to manage them.  This laid a solid foundation for further systematic environmental activities of the Company, with application of innovative environmental management methods and continuous improvement of environmental performance of the DTEK’s enterprises. The modern EMS in place also encourages responsible attitude of the managers and personnel to environmental protection and compliance with the established environmental requirements.
The environmental management system is an integral part of the corporate governance system and an essential component of the non-financial risk management system. Thus, the introduction of ISO 14001:2004 has a positive impact on the Company’s competitiveness and investment attractiveness.
Integration of the ISO 14001:2004 requirements at DTEK’s enterprises started in 2008 with assessment of the environmental management system in place and preparation of an action plan to introduce new requirements and train personnel engaged in the project implementation. During the next phase, procedures in accordance with the requirements of the standard were developed and further introduced. In 2010, DTEK’s coal mining, coal processing, energy generating, energy supplying and service enterprises successfully passed pre-certification and then certification audits for the conformity of their environmental management systems with the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 standard.
Dniproenergo will undergo the respective certification in 2011, and Kyivenergo company will do so in 2012.
DTEK’s Chief Operating Officer, Yuriy Ryzhenkov, comments:
 “Having joined the Energy Community this year, Ukraine has committed to improve its environmental situation dramatically not later than by 2018. Replacement of obsolete equipment with advanced and environmentally friendly installations naturally requires significant financial investment. Yet, the most essential thing is not only to allocate funds, but to change the approach of the Ukrainian society to environmental issues, and, to do it, first of all, among companies’ managers and employees. The implementation of ISO 14001:2004 is an important step, which enables us to come closer to the standards followed by the European industry. “
DTEK is the first private vertically-integrated power company in Ukraine. It is part of the financial and industrial group System Capital Management (SCM). The enterprises of DTEK build up an efficient operational chain of coal production and preparation, electricity generation and distribution.
The coal business of DTEK includes Pavlogradugol (consisting of ten coal mines), Komsomolets Donbassa Mine and five coal preparation plants.
The power generation business of DTEK is represented by Vostokenergo and the associated companies Dniproenergo, where DTEK owns 47.55% and Zakhidenergo, where DTEK owns 24.9%.
Service-Invest, PES Energougol and the associated Donetskoblenergo Company, where DTEK owns 30%, represent the electricity sales and supply business of DTEK.
DTEK also holds a 39.98% stake in Kyivenergo, which provides a full cycle of energy supply to Ukraine’s capital, with a unified process for production, transport and supply of heat and electric energy.

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