01 Марта 2025 | суббота | 11:18

DTEK Continues with Implementing of Labor Safety International Standards

Марта 29, 2011

DTEK certified its safety management systems to conform with OHSAS 18001:2007. Certification covers the Company's coal processing, energy supplying and services enterprises*. Audit was conducted by The Moody International Group. In 2010 DTEK invested UAH 175m in realization of this project.

OHSAS 18001:2007 introduces best practices and innovation approaches, enables to identify and effectively manage occupational health and safety risks as well as reorganize operations and encourage personnel to participate in the development of an effective labor safety system.
DTEK started to adopt OHSAS 18001:2007 in its safety management systems in 2007. The first stage of the new standard integration was completed at the Company's coal mining and energy generating enterprises (Pavlogradugol, Komsomolets Donbassa mine and Vostokenergo (Eastenergo)) in May 2007 - February 2009. In 2008, DTEK has started introduction of the standard at its coal processing, energy supplying and services enterprises, and completed it in the end of 2010 by the successful certification audit.
As a result of systematic work in DTEK to improve safety management system, level of labor accidents in 2010 decreased by 16% comparing to 2009.
"Safety regulations and guidelines in operational entities often need additional analysis and complex revision. The introduction of OHSAS 18001:2007 standard will bring the safety management system in compliance with modern production requirements. Also another important achievement is the new labor safety approach changes employees' attitude towards their work health and work they are doing", said Yuriy Ryzhenkov, DTEK's Chief Operating Officer.
DTEK is the first private vertically-integrated power company in Ukraine. It is part of the financial and industrial group System Capital Management (SCM). The enterprises of DTEK build up an efficient operational chain of coal production and preparation, electricity generation and distribution.
The coal business of DTEK includes Pavlogradugol (consisting of ten coal mines), Komsomolets Donbassa Mine and five coal preparation plants.
The power generation business of DTEK is represented by Eastenergo (Vostokenergo) and the associated companies Dniproenergo, where DTEK owns 47.55%, and Zakhidenergo, where DTEK owns 24.9%.
Service-Invest, Energougol  ENE and the associated Donetskoblenergo Company, where DTEK owns 30.6%,  represent the electricity sales and supply business of DTEK.
DTEK also holds a 39.98% stake in Kyivenergo, which provides a full cycle of energy supply to Ukraine's capital, with a unified process for production, transport and supply of heat and electric energy.

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620137 г. Екатеринбург, ул. Студенческая, д. 1 корп. 3
Тел. / факс  (343) 345-09-72
г. Москва, 1-й Дербеневский переулок, д. 5 тел. (495) 287-98-51
E-mail: info@energyland.info
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