On 7th December 2010, the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District confirmed validity of the FAS Russia’s decision regarding “Podolskie Elektroseti” Municipal Unitary Enterprise and upheld the decision and determination issued by the antimonopoly authority.
Earlier, on 23rd July 2009, FAS found that “Podolskie Elektroseti” Municipal Unitary Enterprise violated Part 1 Article 10 of the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition”.
The company unlawfully charged additional fee on top of the statutory one, in the form of agency remunerations, introduced restrictions for use of electric power and included requirements that are not provided for by the law in its technical conditions.
“The Court ruling once again confirmed that such actions do go under the radar of the Antimonopoly Service, and we hope that the size of the fine will compel “Podolskie Elektroseti” Municipal Unitary Enterprise to avoid violating the antimonopoly law”, said the Head of the FAS Russia’s Cartel Department Alexander Kinev.