Recently similar trainings have been held at Balakovo, Kalinin and Novovoronezh NPPs. Herewith Rossiyskaya Gazeta journalists and active readers, as well as Russian TV-channels film crews within the public inspection kept watch over the course of the training at NVNPP (Novovoronezh city, Voronezh Region).
In the course of the trainings at all operating NPPs such issues as emergency response in case of emergency situation and interaction between participants of the emergency response at all levels will be worked out, as well as personnel and technical equipment readiness to eliminate consequences of a conditional accident, and readiness and reliability of control, alarm and communication systems will be checked.
Today Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC manages all 10 Russian NPPs, which are endued with its branch status. Totally, 32 power units are operated at 10 Russian NPPs including 16 pressurized-water reactor (10 VVER-1000 and 6 VVER-440), 15 high-power pressure-tube reactors (11 RBMK-1000 and 4 EGP-6), and 1 fast neutron reactor. New NPP construction is conducted at the sites of Novovoronezh NPP-2 and Leningrad NPP-2.