In order to provide the overhaul several principal process units such as: crude distillation unit ELOU-1, crude distillation unit AVT-3, VT-6 and Visbreaking; catalytic production - L-35/6, KR-600; shop of hydroprocesses - Hydrocracker with Hydrogen Production Unit, Hydrogen Production Unit - 2, diesel fuel Hydrotreater LCh-24/7; gas shop - Elementary Sulfur Production Unit, as well as a number of auxiliary units will be shut down.
Revision, repair and replacement of equipment, steel structures and pipelines are being conducted at all the units shutdown for overhaul.
The main goal of the overhaul is to increase reliability of equipment operation, production safety.
Moreover, during the overhaul possibilities to extend a turnaround period for principal process plants at YANOS will be studied.