A number of subjects were examined at the seminar, including: "Offshore Geological and Geophysical Study Methods", "Ocean Minerals: Current Status, Exploration Methods and Development Prospects", "The Russian Arctic: Geological Processes and Resource Potential", and others.
The seminar was initially organised for personnel from Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz's production department, but, given the informative nature and availability of the course of lectures, members of staff from other departments of the company took part in them, along with representatives from Gazprom.
Georgi Alexandrovitch Cherkashov is the Chair of Lithology and Marine Geology at St. Petersburg state university. He is a professor and doctor of geological and mineralogical science, and deputy director of I.S. Gramberg VNIIOkeangeologia (the All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Geology and Ocean Mineral Resources).