I Q 2011, 212.8 ths m of rock was drilled at the Company’s fields, that is 9.6% above vs. the similar period of the past year, 49 new wells were put into operation (the 25.6% increase).
Associated gas utilization increased by 5% and achieved 75.8% vs. January-March 2010.
I Q 2011, hydrocarbon processing for the Company in general amounted to 5.8 mln tons or 110.7% vs. the similar period of the past year. At that, ОАО Slavneft-Yaroslavneteorgsintez processed 3.5 mln tons of crude oil that is 3.6% above vs. January-March 2010, ОАО Mozyr Refinery – 2.3 mln tons (the 23.4% increase). I Q 2011, Mozyr Refinery’s processing volumes increased due to growth in hydrocarbons supply from Venezuela and Azerbaijan.
Motor fuel production for the Company in general increased by 18.4% for the reporting period vs. January-March 2010 and achieved 1.16 mln tons. YaNOS produced 0.58 mln tons of motor fuel (the 5.9% increase), Mozyr Refinery – 0.58 mln tons (the 34.3% increase).