According to the concluded contract JSC EMAlliance shall design, fabricate and deliver three new boilers with the steam capacity 210 tons per hour each for the power units with unit capacity equal to 60 MW. The contract performance date is March 2012.
Engineering of the boilers shall be performed by the specialists of Engineering center JSC EMAlliance (Taganrog). The main project equipment shall be fabricated at the production site of JSC EMAlliance – PJSC TKZ Krasny Kotelshchik.
The selection of boiler design and fuel firing technology is determined by environmental requirements for NOx emissions, fuel firing economy, as well as reliability and effectiveness of the boiler heating surfaces operation. The delivered drum type conventional arch boilers with bottom-ash removal are designed for firing local black coal of the Ural deposit, grade G.
Due to the peculiarities of the project coal of the Ural deposit, the two-staged fuel firing technology shall be used for the equipment, which allows not only to reduce NOx emissions significantly, but also to avoid furnace water walls slagging.