The heat insulation is installed outside the reactor vessel and is aimed to reduce the reactor heat losses and the reduce of cooling load upon building constructions.
“Insulation is new production, mastered at Petrozavodskmash. In Novovoronezh it is shipped by separate sections. It will be assembled on-site. Moreover, at Petrozavodsk they have already produced and assembled the insulation to be supplied to Leningrad NPP-2, at the moment the customer is receiving it. At present the agreement for heat insulation production for Novovoronezh NPP-2 second power unit has been signed”, — it is noted in the report.
Petrozavodskmash CJSC is a machine building division of Rosatom State Corporation, the largest machine building enterprise in North-West of Russia, performing the equipment supply for nuclear, oil and chemistry and paper-and-pulp industry.