03 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 20:16

Representatives of the Ministry of Energy of Russia Federation have visited Rosenergoatom Concern Crisis Center

Апреля 26, 2011

A delegation from the Russian Federation Ministry of Energy headed by Deputy Minister on Energy Andrey Shishkin visited Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC Crisis Center. The Ministry representatives met with the Concern management: Sergey Obozov, his deputies – Director on NPP Production and Operation Alexander Shutikov, Sales Director Alexander Khvalko and other representatives of the operating organization executive personnel.

Deputy Director on NPP Production and Operation – Director of Emergency Response Department and Radiation Protection Department of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC Vladimir Khlebtsevech appeared at the meeting participants with a report on Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC Crisis Center work. Speaking of the system of emergencies prevention and elimination, he underlined that the system of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC was integrated into that of Rosatom State Corporation.
Vladimir Khlebtsevech noted that the Crisis Center created the conditions for all the emergency response participants to work in a single information space, including nuclear plants, scientific and technical centers, National Center for Crisis Management of Ministry for Civil Defense of Russia, Rostekhnadzor etc. At the same time up-to-date land and satellite channels of information connection are used in the information system.
The Ministry of Energy representatives attended all Crisis Center zones and rooms, got acquainted with the principles of expert groups’ work, information systems, program units of radiation accidents consequence calculations, with the history of the documentation of emergency assistance to nuclear plants group. The opportunities of video conference connection with nuclear plants and Technical Support Centers: IBRAE RAS, Taifun NPO, were demonstrated to them.
According to the meeting results it was noted that the system of emergency situations prevention and elimination of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC met the requirements to the participants of the United State System of Prevention and Emergency Response and the progressive world level in the whole.

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