04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 01:03

"Turboatom" reviewed the results for 1 quarter 2011

Апреля 29, 2011

OJSC "Turboatom" has completed one quarter of 2011 with net profit of 65 mln. in terms of 58.6 mln., execution of the plan was - 110.9%. Actual output for the 1 quarter of 2011 amounted to - 268.4 mln. in terms of 240.9 million UAH., performance was - 111,4%.

Revenue from product sales amounted to 289.8 mln., Execution of the plan - 102,8%. The share of exports in total sales amounted to - 70.7%.
During the reporting period of “Turboatom” transferred to state and local budgets in the form of dividends, taxes, fees, contributions to pension and other social funds 100.8 mln., Including 42.6 mln. dividends for the state share.
Average wages of industrial personnel in the 1st quarter of 2011 reached 2,994 thousand UAH, Production workers - 4,296 thousand with a growth rate of the corresponding period in 2010 - 112.2%.
The average number of employees amounted to 5,021 attendees, among them workers – 62%, employees – 38%.
During the reporting period, the plant manufactured and shipped: 2 hydraulic turbines with total capacity of 169 thousand kw: for the Dnieper HPP-2 number 2 and Dneprodzerzhinsk HPP No 5 (Ukraine). Equipment: bl. No 6 TPP Aksu (Kazakhstan), bl. No 5 Starobeshevo TPP, bl. No 4 Zuevskaya Thermal Power Plant (Ukraine) for the condenser of the Rostov nuclear power plant in BC. No 3 (Russia); nodes K-500-65/3000 modernization of turbines for Russian nuclear power plants, as well as complete sets of power equipment for modernization: Balakovo (Russia), TPP Havana (Cuba), Nurek (Tajikistan), NPP Paks (Hungary).
In the first quarter of 2011 the cost of modernization of the company amounted to 7.5 mln. The social sector of “Turboatom” directed 2, 6 million UAH.

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